This is the moment Adam Barnard, who admitted strangling girlfriend Tara Kershaw, said it's 'like you see on The Simpsons' as he faces jail for murdering her 24 hours after she phoned the police.
An open-top sports car on a cliff-edge road beside the Med. At the wheel, a young woman with her hair flowing and lovelight in her eyes - at her side a ruthless assassin.
A carer who stole a 'staggering' sum from a woman in her 90s and even had her victim's will changed to inherit her house has been spared jail.
Gary, 53, tends to keep his personal life out of the spotlight, but the family photo posted on Instagram went viral online as a light-hearted tweet featuring it was viewed more than six million times.
John Smyth QC's abuse of more than 100 children and young men was covered up for years, a report concludes.